Way to Boost Your Online Sales
About Us
People do business with People they know, like and trust. The importance of interpersonal relationship cannot be undermined in business because ultimately people buy from people. For an online Sales business, it is even more important to think of ways that help people to connect and relate with them since eCommerce may project a virtual shield for visitors and it's not easy to break that and get in to know who is behind the walls. The human brain can sometimes act funny and it may forget that although online, the business is still carried out by humans, just like us, on another side of the wall. Yes, some processes might be automated to leverage the technology and the advantages it offers for faster, efficient information processing; but the soul and spirit of the online business is still a HUMAN. A real person who generates ideas knows the market, understands customer preferences, handles business operations, maintains books of accounts and much more.
eCommerce shoppers want to know more about who they’re buying from and the one place from where they’re really going to get that information is just one web page - About Us.
The About Us page of an online store is extremely important and when used rightly, it also helps to increase sales.
When we say “About Us”, it’s not only about you (the seller/company) but “US” includes both the seller and the buyer. Talking About Us implies sharing why we do what we do and how that can help you (the buyer). This single web page is a window into your business philosophy, the fundamental principles that underlie the formation and operation of your business; nature, the purpose and the moral obligations that pertain to your business.
For an eCommerce business, About Us page serves a dual sales purpose, apart from connecting people to the brand and its value. It’s both: your introduction and your sales pitch to show why you stand head and shoulders above the competition.
To summarize, a good About Us page is one which: 1) Gets the point across and 2) Gives the information that a buyer needs.
The best part of having an About Us page is that you can get your point across the way you want. You can choose to tell your story, you can let your team tell why it makes your company so awesome or the page can be dedicated to how your current customers perceive your services. Though a very important page of your website, the beauty is that you do not have to update it very frequently and still it never goes out of fashion!
Let’s discover some companies with incredible 'About Us' pages that can help you to emulate them on your own website.
1) Yellow Leaf Hammocks
This 'About Us' Page Rocks because it tells us a STORY.

Yellow Leaf
Shoppers love it when the web store shouts out loud about its CUSTOMER SERVICE and everything they are about in just ONE page.

3) We Are Adaptable
Not a niche service, yet a simple explanation that focuses on SERVICE OFFERING and leads online visitors to know more.

We Are Adaptable
4)Less Films
Look at the PERSONALITY! It's apparent that their passion is humor. From “about us” to “intro.of the team”, you will find everything humorous.

Less Films
5) 4-to-6.com
A SIMPLE message about what they do; yet creating a MYSTERY for visitors to unfold.

6) L. M. Electrical
A simple design and content but says everything About them in just a few lines - motto, values, experience, services.
“We have always promoted a ‘fix it yourself’ CULTURE instead of a ‘throw away’ society.”

Tell us which one is your favorite or the one you liked least, and why?
If you come across more incredible business introductions on a website, please share with us.