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eCommerce Podcasts

Some of us are auditory learners, we learn by hearing and listening. We understand and remember things that we have heard, by the way, it sounds and we have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. Often times, people like us are found humming or talking to themselves or others when we are bored or in need of ideas. Perhaps even to just get started with a task.

The good news for all eCommerce entrepreneurs who are auditory learners is that Podcasting is really catching on. Of course, there are good blogs on online selling and great articles on eCommerce and there is so much we learn out of reading, sharing and discussing those. But, if you prefer lively discussions, a refreshing mix of familiarity and some newness and all of that in a Human voice, here are six podcasts you must subscribe to. With ever increasing smartphones and devices, learning about online stores and building sales through podcasts is a step up from traditional training programs. Whether you are on a long train ride, an evening walk or cooking a meal, you won’t miss learning opportunities with these great podcasts which focus on anything and everything about eCommerce.

1. Smart Passive Income

Smart Passive Income

At Smart Passive Income, Pat Flynn focuses on what works and what doesn't. Pat’s philosophy is building passive income streams which help you make money without regular activity on those streams. In his podcast, he talks on topics ranging from business ideas to marketing and online ranking.





2.My Wife Quit Her Job

My Wife Quit Her Job

Steve Chou of My Wife Quit Her Job has been running a successful wedding favors business for the past few years, and blogs about running an online store and general family finance on his website. Steve has also launched his own podcast, an interview-based show where he interviews other successful eCommerce business owners and shares their stories of learning, struggles, experiences and success. All of his interviews largely focus on how these entrepreneurs managed  their business in a way that helped them to improve their lifestyle.


3.Forever Jobless

Forever Jobless

Billy Murphy started his first online business in 2009, followed by starting an eCommerce store in 2011. In less than a year, his online store business scaled from 1 to 20. He started Forever Jobless in 2012 and since then he has created a storm in the eCommerce world, mostly by word-of-mouth publicity. Billy’s podcasts are a collection of eCommerce how to’s and developing a certain attitude for professional and personal growth.




4.eCommerce Fuel

eCommerce Fuel

Founded and hosted by Andrew Youderian, who built his own million-dollar-plus eCommerce business after quitting a corporate job in investment banking. eCommerceFuel podcast shares success stories from how to save in taxes, eCommerce metrics to measure and options to weigh when you are considering selling your business. Andrew also does a “first-sale shout out” at the beginning of each episode where he announces how a new entrant to eCommerce got their first sale.





The Fizzle Show

A podcast for creative entrepreneurs and business builders who want to make a living out of what they care about! Fizzle show is not about get-rich-quick tips but it stands for creating tools and resources that can enable eCommerce entrepreneurs with  unique ideas to fulfill their ambitions. Fizzle Show, every Friday.






6.Tropical MBA


The Tropical MBA

Aspire to start and run a location-independent business? Something that you could run from anywhere in the world, anytime? Dan Andrews and Ian Shoen of Tropical MBA bring that you at it’s best. As we know, the essence of online business is in its beauty of not restricted to one location, this podcast will surely put you on track for achieving the goal of location independence business. They have already released 250+ episodes and by the time you listen to the first 200 episodes, you may most likely have an MBA of your own!

Which Podcasts are you hooked to and think should be on this list? Tell me about it in the comments below.